
Flip Flops For Oil

In 2000, candidate Bush assured the American people that he could use his oil business connections as a tool to keep the price of oil down.  The price of oil has now hit a record high that can not be blamed solely on September 11.  So...  does this make Bush a flip-flopper, or a liar?  And when will Kerry remind the American people of Bush's low-price guarantee? 

How Bout Them Cowboys!!

Maybe Joe Gibbs needs to take a time out. He doesn’t seem to friendly with Parcells right here.


Can't really explain the lack of updates. Still getting settled in my new job in Houston, and I think it might totally suck. Must investigate and report later.

I read the final Dark Tower book. It was quite good. Probably shouldn't talk about it too much.


Sports in Texas

Here's some interesting numbers:

Top executives of Texas professional sports teams stepped up to the plate and scored big for President Bush and the Republicans in this year's election cycle.
Executives, majority owners and head coaches of the teams gave more than $230,000 to Republicans and $26,000 to Democrats, according to a Chronicle analysis of campaign finance information from the Center for Responsive Politics and the Federal Election Commission.
