
Catfish Nuggets

A review of the second episode of Project Runway is forthcoming, but for now you can snack on some nuggets of info.

If Rachael Ray, host of popular Food Network TV shows 30-Minute Meals, $40 A Day, and Tasty Travels, had remained single, then I would probably blog about her a lot more often. Since marrying John Cusimano, she's become, well, normal...almost. She's lost the old maid syndrome, which made discussing her so much fun. But I do keep some tabs on her, and some people may be happy to know that she will have her own daytime show, beginning on September 18. She plans to have her husband come on the show to "cook and play music for her." What a treat!

Regretfully, David S. in St. Louis stumbled across this graphic too late to warn the residents of Helicon, Alabama - you experienced yesterday's worst weather! (Thank you Accuweather for the lovely graphic)

It looks to be another hyperactive hurricane season, which I have no readily available data to back up this claim. I can, however, tell you how hurricanes affect fish. According to host Joel Block, "Fish that live near the surface do feel a little turbulence. Research indicates that fish may avoid the washing-machine motion by swimming a little deeper. But in general, for a fish out at sea, a hurricane is no big deal." Hot Tuna, though, is a land-living fish, and I hope he didn't get too discouraged by last year's unnecessary exodus from Houston - I'm sure he'll have to do it again.

Finally, and this may be bad blog ju-ju, but according to Kinky Friedman's webpage, the Dallas Business Journal conducted a poll on the Texas gubernatorial race (that means governor's race), and Kinky was in the lead by 45%. Following were Hair Perry with 26%, One Tough Grandma with 19%, and Democrat candidate with 8%. Unfortunately I cannot find this poll on the Biz Journal's webpage, but perhaps they don't archive their polls. It's too early for endorsements, but you can tell who we're leaning for! And yes, you may buy the Talking Kinky Action Figure from the Kinkster's webpage.


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