
Methodists Say NO to Bush Library

If you are Methodist, you may want to check out this petition spearheaded by nearly a dozen current and former Methodist Bishops.
We the undersigned express our objection to the prospect of the George W. Bush library, museum, and think tank being established at Southern Methodist University. As United Methodists, we believe that the linking of his presidency with a university bearing the Methodist name is utterly inappropriate. We urge the Board of Trustees of Southern Methodist University and the South Central Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church to reject this project.

Yahoo News has more:
"Methodists have a long history of social conscience, so questions about the conduct of this president are very concerning," said one of the petition's organizers, the Rev. Andrew J. Weaver of New York, who graduated from SMU's Perkins School of Theology.

For some odd reason, the Petition organizers have included additional reading resources about the Bush Presidency with regard to three issues: The Iraq War, Kidnapping/Torture, and Hurricane Katrina.

With any luck the Library will be moved over to Baylor University. Those Baptist morons live in a very nice, thick bubble of jingoism and hypocrisy. That's a perfect place for Bush's legacy. (Is it obvious that I was a devout Southern Baptist for seven years?)


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