
POLITICS - Compassionate Conservatives

From the New Democrat Network blog
Not only are the Republicans breaking their promises on education, they are breaking their promises on tax cuts for families. As I outlined last December, the White House and Republican leadership – forced by bad publicity to pledge to extend the $400 child tax credit to the millions of low income families left out by the GOP plan – broke that promise too. And in his new budget released two weeks ago, President Bush left these children behind once again.

Now you can hear from the hardworking families themselves through an innovative new video by Progress through Action, an affiliate of the Center for American Progress. Hear how these hardworking mothers – some with their husbands serving in Iraq – struggle to pay for clothes, school supplies, and heat, all while wondering why families with higher salaries got a tax cut. Kudos to the Center for helping fuel the fire, and to Senator Blanche Lincoln for her on-going leadership on this important issue!

Click the link and watch the video. Listen to the first-hand accounts from military mothers who "didn't make enough money" to earn the child tax credit. It's time to expose these "compassionate conservatives" as the dirty, greedy worms that they are. There's no compassion here. Only pure greed. Pure, unadulterated greed. What would Jesus do? In 2004, I suspect that He would vote ABB!!!


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