

So, the 2006 Winter Olympics are half(?) complete. That's good news, because I'm can't wait until NBC can return to its Prime Time programming comprised of Law & Order and Dateline spin-offs...

I love the "borderless Internationalism" of the Olympics, but why are they so damn lame to watch? I had the choice this afternoon of watching curling or hockey. I chose to rearrange my closet.

So, what the hell is wrong with the Winter Olympics? I can't put my finger on it. I love watching snowboarding during the Winter X Games, but I couldn't find any interest in the Torino snowboard contests. I think the sport is a bit young to be featured at the Olympic level. In addition, I think that it is too... "American". And it seems like a blatant appeal to Generations X, Y, and Z.

Another thing that bugs me about the Olympics is the early hype about American athletes that give good sound bites, but only offer mediocre performances. I'm thinking specifically of Weir and Miller: two strong athletes that didn't seem interested in competing when the time came.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have the Shani Davis spectacle. He won the gold in speed skating.... Oh yeah, the law requires that I mention that he is black. He's beyond black. Shani Davis is literally an event horizon on skates, he is a darkness that doesn't repel light, he destroys light. Yeah, my language might seem a little extreme, but I'm trying to make a point. People are complaining that Davis' interviews are cold and terse. But I don't blame him. I think that he's probably a little tired of everybody saying, "Oh My God! You Won The Gold... And You're BLACK! How Does It Feel To Be A Winner? A Black Winner?" If I were him, I wouldn't be very interested in doing any interviews, either.

Sometime in the future, we'll be able to select which events we want to view each day without having to flip between three or four different channels to watch fifteen minutes of enjoyable coverage without slagging through two hours of Crap.


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