
Not the Queen's Rhodendra!!

All in all, I have to say that President Bush's trip to the UK went about as well as I expected. Four days, over a quarter million anti-Bush protesters, £7 million security bill, £1 million fish 'n' chips lunch, and the desecration of a centuries-old garden. (Oh, and Bush had to bring five of his own personal chefs to Buckingham Palace.)

Yep, that should patch up all the problems. I'm sure Japan can't wait to invite us over in hopes that another President Bush will vomit on another one of their prime ministers. (And yes, the Japanese do have a term for vomiting on a Prime Minister, it's "bushu-suru".)

Via Sunday Mirror:

THE Queen is furious with President George W. Bush after his state visit caused thousands of pounds of damage to her gardens at Buckingham Palace.

Royal officials are now in touch with the Queen's insurers and Prime Minister Tony Blair to find out who will pick up the massive repair bill. Palace staff said they had never seen the Queen so angry as when she saw how her perfectly-mantained lawns had been churned up after being turned into helipads with three giant H landing markings for the Bush visit.

The rotors of the President's Marine Force One helicopter and two support Black Hawks damaged trees and shrubs that had survived since Queen Victoria's reign.


The Palace's head gardener, Mark Lane, was reported to be in tears when he saw the scale of the damage.

"The Queen has every right to feel insulted at the way she has been treated by Bush," said a Palace insider.

"The repairs will cost tens of thousands of pounds but the damage to historic and rare plants will be immense. They are still taking an inventory.

"The lawns are used for royal garden parties and are beautifully kept. But 30,000 visitors did not do as much damage as the Americans did in three days.

Via Independent UK :
For the Most Powerful Man in the World, an "authentic and private" trip to rural England was always going to be difficult when you travel with a 100-strong media entourage and your hosts lay on 1,300 police officers to ensure the good behaviour of a quiet rural community of 5,000 people and 300 protesters.

Durham Constabulary, one of the country's smallest forces, confirmed the security bill for the President's four-hour tour would reach £1m.


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